Lorenzo's Oil

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Lorenzo’s oil is a 1992 American drama film directed by George Miller that is based on the true story of Augusto, Michaela Odone, and Lorenzo Odone’s struggle with ALD and the creation of Lorenzo’s oil. According to the myelin project, Lorenzo’s oil is a combination of a 4:1 mix of oleic acid and erucic acid extracted from rapeseed oil and olive oil. The oil is designed to normalize the accumulation of the very long chain fatty acids in the brain halting the progression of Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD). Lorenzo, Michael Murphy Odone traveled along with his parents, father Augusto and mother, Michaela Odone, to the Comoro Islands, which are east of Africa. His father works for the World Bank, an international financial institution that provides …show more content…

Augusto plans a party to cheer up his wife because she hasn’t been eating lately. Twelve months after his diagnosis April 1985, Augusto research articles in the library, and he creates a chain out of paper clips displaying the relationships between the bad and good enzymes. On May 29 1985, Lorenzo turns seven. The odones decide to block the bad enzymes with erucic acids at the Croda Chemicals in London September 1985 17 months after the diagnosis. During this time it is discovered that Wendy’s son also has ALD. On March 1985, 23 months after his diagnosis, Oumoori visits Lorenzo and keeps him company. On Dec. 8th ,1986 ,When they experimented with the 4:1 mixture of oleic acid and erucic acid extracted from grapeseed oil and olive oil, Lorenzo’s C-24 levels is normal . Feb 1987 six months later, he started breathing on his on and the ALD foundation help a conference about the astonishing news. Two yrs. later, he started to hear, and he answered questions by closing and opening his eyes. Augusto planned a dinner to persuade the scientist to collaborate their data and research. Augusto Odone received an honorary

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