Loss Diets: Are They All The Same By Dr. John P. Foreyt

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My purpose of writing this paper is to understand the physical and societal effects that are placed upon those completing their journey to a healthy lifestyle. This paper will describe the effectiveness and inferences of weight loss diets by considering and assessing some of the features that exist in two of the most common diets. Furthermore, the paper will accentuate the effects of these diets on the participant and society by revealing the common misconceptions and hidden truths of trying to live a better lifestyle. This paper will specifically analyze the research article, “Weight Loss Diets: Are They All The Same,” by Dr. John P. Foreyt. This article was published in 2010 in the science journal, Food Engineering & Ingredients. Since the article was published within the past decade, the reader will be able to understand the 21st century views displayed in this article. This article is aimed towards the journal’s reader and the general public.
Losing Weight; …show more content…

As someone who has tried a low-carb diet, I am very biased and cannot agree with what Dr. Foreyt when he had said, “only the caloric intake level matters, not the source of the calories” (Foreyt 1). I had seen monumental amounts of success with the low-carb diet, while I did not see any achievement with a low-calorie diet. But as mentioned, everyone is different and others may see weight loss with a low-calorie diet. Although I am in disagreement in that aspect, I can, however, agree that “If followed with persistence, all weight loss diets can be successful” (Foreyt 3). Persistence is a major component that many trying to obtain a healthy lifestyle overlook. Many focus on the physical traits of the diet, like the food, but many must remember that losing weight is also a mental challenge. Staying focused allows the participant to view future goals while also focusing on their current