Loss Of Innocence In The Great Gatsby

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Losing your innocence comes fast when young and aging. There are many things that lead to this happening. Sometimes it can be scaring or helpful. Your physical state is changing and you’re getting bigger and stronger now. Our mental state is becoming more advanced and older and you know that your body’s changing. That hair you see on the older people, you think won’t happen to you for a long time. Usually were not thinking about this because it’s not actually happening yet. Then it happens. You lose your innocence. This causes you to either be worried or happy for some people “Benjamin started; an almost chemical change seemed to dissolve and recompose the very elements of his body. A rigor passed over him, blood rose into is cheeks, his forehead …show more content…

Some people even become annoyed and think you’re in the way “Benjamin went to live with his son, Roscoe. But though he was welcomed in a general way, there was obviously no heartiness in Roscoe’s feelings toward him-there was even perceptible a tendency on his son’s part to think that Benjamin, as he moped about the house in adolescent moodiness, was somewhat in the way. Roscoe was married now and prominent in Baltimore life, and he wanted no scandal to creep out in connection with his family” (Fitzgerald, 2010, P. 199). You’re not being needed at work and you have to retire, you just can’t do it anymore. You also can’t go out and have fun and be involved with any activities. The mid-life time when things were at their best peak and working perfect goes downhill faster than ever. You require others help sometimes and need medication, glasses, hearing aids and other things to help with certain functions your body no longer supplies or supports you with. The complete loss of your capabilities comes into play. If you have a family, that’s usually the only thing you have hope in and find interest in. Usually most have a few lifelong friends but might not be able to see them all the time. There in the same situation. With having few hopes left, you realize those people are where you once were in life. They are starting a family, getting interests and hobbies, they are busy. You end up not seeing …show more content…

Your house or place of stay can’t be taken care of, you can’t be taken care of, you can’t drive and it’s so hard to walk that it’s painful. You become sick and the body’s ability to heal is almost completely diminished. You may need surgery and have no other choice, or you die. You must be taken to a place where others watch over and take care of you. Almost 24/7 care is needed. Your bones are weak, hair is gone and your skin is wrinkly. You’ll have probably been to many funerals and seen many loved ones and friends go. Your time is coming and you know it. You dread every birthday simply because that is another year older and that’s means your closer to death. You’re now focusing on the day where the complete loss of physical and metal awareness of aging will take your way from the world. You might not become miserable and depressed. As we plow through this were constantly worrying, realizing that no one deserves to endure this pain. Whatever it is that takes your life, hoping that it’s a peaceful painless way, is right around the corner “Then it was all dark, and his white crib and the dim faces that moved above him, and the warm sweet aroma of the milk, faded out altogether from his mind” (Fitzgerald, 2010, P. 205). Your time has