
Louis Braille Accomplishments

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Louis Braille was a young child when he became blind. He was born January 4, 1809 in the village of coupvray (Birch p.8) . He became blind in an accident in his father's workshop. He loved to play in his father’s workshop (Birch p.11). His parents names are Simon-René and Monique Braille and they loved, helped, supported, and prayed for him (bio.com). Having not liked the previous ways of reading and writing for the blind, Louis Braille set out on a quest to overcome the obstacles of blindness and to find a better way to read and write and eventually change the alphabet for all the blind people in the world (bio.com). Louis braille became blind at the age of three, and was not actually born blind (bio.com). Louis was very interested and would always play in his father's workshop. When Louis Braille was only three years old, he was playing in his father’s workshop with a piece of leather and an awl. He was poking holes in leather, but one time the awl slipped and pierced his right eye (Birch 11). First his right eye got infected, then it spread to his left. Not long after he became completely blind (Birch 13). His obstacles that challenged him early on led to him creating one of the greatest things that blind people that blind people have ever known. …show more content…

Antoine Becheret agreed to teach Louis in the sighted school even though Louis was blind (Birch p.17). Three years later, The Royal Institute For Blind children in Paris accepted Louis to be one of the students and to teach him along with other blind children (Birch p.21). One day the school taught Louis about sonography. Louis thought that sonography, a code that used different combinations of 12 raised dots to represent different sounds, was to challenging and confusing, he decided to change it (bio.com). This was the start of his quest to find the best way for blind people to read and

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