Louis Xiv's Policy Toward The Huguenots Analysis

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With regard to the overall excerpt, does Duc de Saint-Simon’s portrayal of Louis XIV appear admirable, critical, balanced, or analytical? You may also choose your own description. Use some passages to build your support. According to Duc de Saint-Simon Louis XIV was a person with a great mind but was more focused on a small things like “…the dress and drill of his soldiers.” Louis XIV was worshiped and admired by some people however he was far from being critical or balanced. Some of his decisions like prejudge or finding somebody guilty were based on the rumors and denunciations. Duc de Saint-Simon wrote, “Many a man in all ranks of life was ruined by these methods [rumors and denunciations], often very unjustly…” 2. What specific personality …show more content…

In this excerpt, Barbara Tuchman is commenting on the effects of Louis XIV’s policy toward the Huguenots. According to Barbara Tuchman, what was one political consequence of Louis XIV’s policy toward the Huguenots? Barbara Tuchman claimed that the Huguenots were blames for the political and economic damage of the country. Tuchman said that Louis XIV’s restriction towards the Huguenots raised a protests and anti-French movement among Huguenot community. The Huguenot’s movement became even stronger when they gained support from Holland and Germany. Overall, Louis XIV’s policy toward the Huguenots caused the start of war and repressions. 5. In this excerpt Milton Meltzer is commenting on Louis XIV’s policy on Protestants in France. According to Milton Meltzer, what was one action Louis XIV took in an attempt to control the Protestants in France? According to Milton Meltzer in order to control the Huguenots Louis XIV stated that the majority of the Huguenots were converted to Catholicism therefore the edict of Nantes that protected the Huguenots was revoked. Louis XIV also did not allow Protestants to live the country but promised that they still will be able to worship privately. However, Huguenots’ churches were demolished and their gathering were