Louisa May Alcott Research Paper

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Even though one might argue that Louisa May Alcott was only merely influential, Louisa May Alcott is one of the most influential transcendentalists of her time. Alcott wrote many pieces of literature. Alcott lived an undoubtedly transcendental lifestyle, which led to her fight for women’s suffrage and her help during the Civil War. Her literature, her selfless help as a nurse during the Civil War, and her incessant fight for the equal rights of women make her an undeniably influential member of history. Her literature has an indubitable impact on the world to this day. Alcott’s passion was always writing; she would write stories and then act them out with her three sisters. Although Alcott always knew she wanted to be a writer, when poverty struck her family she took any job she could get and put her writing on the back burner. She still dreamed of being a writer, but she took jobs being a teacher, a servant, a seamstress, etc. for the sake of her family. Finally, in 1854, Alcott got her first work published, and her writing career only got better from there. Today, many of her works, …show more content…

Alcott was very involved in the fight for women’s suffrage, exhibiting her transcendental values of confidence and nonconformity. In her poem, “I Write About the Butterfly”, Alcott touches on her feeling about humans and how we should treat each other as equals. She expresses the theme that if humans were as kind to each other as the butterfly is and treated each other as equals, the world would be a better place. She did get her wish to be able to vote in her lifetime when Massachusetts passed a law in 1879 allowing women to vote. She was so excited about the opportunity that she was the first woman to register her name to vote in Concord, Massachusetts. Had it not been for Alcott’s fighting for equal rights, voting rights for women could have taken a lot longer to

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