Louisiana Purchase Thesis

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Have you ever wondered what the United States was like back in the 17th century? Was it small or Huge? Did we know what really everything on land was? Do we even know if what we have today is all of the land in the world or is it just some of the spots that we have discovered? In U.S History we have been discussing all the different things that happen back in the old days to make America what it is today. In class our teacher took interest in teaching us the Louisiana Purchase and how it has changed and actually what the Louisiana Purchase was and what I think about it as a whole. First, let me tell you about the Louisiana Purchase. It was during the time that Jefferson was president. In the 17th century. Everybody was trying to buy the …show more content…

Jefferson was trying to expand his land into bigger territory and move the war out West to let them get the war away from home towns. The land had about 828,000,000 miles of land to discover and look around and find new things. Napoleon was threating us that he would block us from using our side of the Mississippi river and that was becoming a big problem we needed a way to get our good from one side of the south to the other. All in the end Jefferson ended up buy all the miles of land from Napoleon for 15 million dollars just for all the west. It was a lot of money but he ended up getting a lot of land out of the deal. During the time that Jefferson got the land the Western Expansion was taking place. People were moving out to the west for more land and farming. The south didn’t have very good soil to plant stuff so we were having farmers going to the west to start planting their crops. By the time the farmers got all their stuff together they were making loads of cotton and that’s when all the slaves were starting to come around. It brought us into inventing the cotton gin and making a lot of the factories out south. The Western Expansion was a good idea to go ahead and buy it made us discover all the other land that …show more content…

It made the United States double in the size that it used to be. Now the west reaches out to be a total of 830,000 square miles. The land is really rich and fertilized in gold, silver and copper. We end up having a big huge gold dig in South Dakoda. The West ends up having endless ground for crops and grazing for animals. There’s a lot of new animals that Jefferson and the people of France didn’t even know we had. The ground is perfect for planting food for people to eat or to make money off of. We started making cotton and that’s when we got the cotton gin going and the slaves started showing up more. They found out that the climate wasn’t bad in the west it wasn’t too hot and muggy they could actually have plants and have cotton and grow other things such as corn, beans, and potatoes. The new land brings us to having the Lewis and Clark expedition and bring the land out more. So expanding what we thought is all we had and making into something that was