Love In Brooklyn Analysis

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Love is a confusing game. Only the people who knows how to play the game well will achieve love. The object of the game is for the men to win the hearts. The narrator in the pem Love In Brooklyn is a novice player in the game of love. He is not very familiar with the rules of love which resulted in him having multiple failed relationships. Because of this, the narrator is extremely introverted when it comes to interacting with women. He also does not know how to properly talk to a woman. The first line of the poem proves that the narrator lacks in the knowledge of love. It stated, ““I love you, Horowitz”, he stated, and he blew his nose.”” He called the woman, that he was trying to woo, by her last name and all while blowing his nose. How the narrator said “I love you” and the tone in his voice while he was saying it, made the meaning of the statement lose its value. He also tried to prove to the woman that he loved her by comparing his love for her to tank slidin through trees (lines 12-14). This failed attempt to redeem himself, only made things worst. He is comparing his love for her to destruction. This illustrates to the readers that the narrator is clueless when it comes to love. …show more content…

Horowitz, is the victim in the game of love. She works in the same facility as the narrator and when he called her by her last name, it sets a professional tone between them, but she did not approve of it. And because of this, she was questioning the narrator’s affection for her. As he started to try to and prove his affection for her, Ms. Horowitz momentarily disapproved of his answers. She stated that “ Some feller tell me nicer things than that” after the narrator compared her to a tank. However, she ultimately decided to give him a shot anyway. This makes Ms. Horowitz a gullible person because she believed that the narrator love her when all he wanted was to “win the game”of love. And according to lines 23-24, he