Love In The Screwtape Letters By C. S. Lewis

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The Screwtape Letters was a book written by C. S. Lewis in 1942. The book contains thirty-one letters written from Screwtape, a fallen angel, to his nephew Wormwood. The letters explain how Wormwood should conduct his business with the human, which he has been assigned. Wormwood is to pull his “patient”, a young British male, away from his faith in God. Throughout the book Lewis uses various letters to communicate with the reader about love. Lewis sees love as God’s affection for us. Lewis speaks about love through the view of Screwtape, God, the “patient’s” perception, and how he ties this altogether throughout the letters as Biblical love.
To understand love we must first go back and look at the original meanings of love. There are three types of love presented in scripture. Eros is an erotic love, a love that is put on by the flesh. It is a false love that is based out of feelings and …show more content…

He begins the story not loving his mother, as he should, to having a deep satisfying love with a young lady from church. Even Screwtape warns Wormwood not to let the “patient” fall for such love. Screwtape says, “Your man is in love – and the worst kind he could possibly have fallen into….a Christian” (Lewis 117).
Reading the Screwtape Letters puts good vs. evil into perspective. The reader see the unseen world. Lewis makes a good example of Screwtape, Wormwood and the “patient” to make it clear so the reader can visualize the reality of the spirit world. Lewis writes of love and how different kinds of love can do, change, react to various things. Most importantly Lewis demonstrates how demons can use a good and pure love to make a human fall. In the end a human can become a tool in the devils game to hurt and push us against God’s word and power. God sent His only son for us, because of the great love he Weber