Lovell Healthy House: Modernism And Architecture

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Modernism and architecture share a visible link that became dominant in the 20th century (1929 to 1933) it is not only in architecture but also in other designs. This movement looked at the functionality of the design rather than the beauty. It kept it simple and practical. This essay will cover Richard Neutra (the architect) as well as his most successful design the Lovell house also known as the Lovell Healthy House based in Los Angeles it was designed and built by him. It will consider the concept used to create it as well how it became a modernism design looking at its functionality, the decompartmentalisation, the technology behind it, the transformation, the abstraction, it's universality as well as the total work of art. Critics may argue that the modernism movement was a futuristic move however it was a cultural movement that spread across Europe for better change. The pioneer phase is the transition or the beginning of one of the two phases in the design evolution, the two phases are both under on category called Modernism. The pioneer phase is one of the phases and it was after the first world war between 1929 to 1933 known as Modernism. The pioneer modernism was a movement where individuals saw design as a medium that …show more content…

The house had cubic forms making it interesting to the eye. It may have been the first building in America however, it was among the first in the word as there were similar buildings. It was recognised universally as well appreciated and questioned. The house proved to be functional as well be artistic which is opposite of what modernism is. Modernism focused on practicality nothing else however this house effortlessly delivered both. It was a total work of art as the open plan, cubic forms, white surfaces and steel frame worked holistically well together to create minimalistic

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