Low Protein Dog Food Research Paper

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Low protein dog food as well as high has been discussed all over the world by lots of scientists and researchers. They haven 't yet drawn to one conclusion whether high or low protein dog food should be given to dogs. But there is some dog food protein guides that should be taken into account while choosing between either high or low protein dog food: pay attention not only to the percentage of the protein on a package, but to its source as it 's more important (such sources as real chicken or lamb are considered to be great) when rating best dog food; protein is believed to be one of the most significant nutritious elements in dieting; as it provides normal growth and healthy existence of your pet and aids in fat keeping; 10 amino acids should be given to dogs by their owners, but 10 acids dogs can produce themselves; too much protein will do little good, but much harm. As it results in fat storing, overweight problems and kidney diseases; to make sure your dog gets enough amount of protein buy the suitable type according to his or her breed and life stage. Make sure to select the best dog food brand that will suit you and your doggy; eggs, fish meal meal and beef, lamb and chicken are supposed to be one of the most digestible protein sources, avoid meat and bone meal, high grain …show more content…

It has been recently proved that it 's more harmful to restrict the necessary amount of protein than to give it excessively particularly concerning older and senior dogs. If your dogs don 't get sufficient quantity of protein soon they 'll loose some weight, and its immune system will become worse. But there are some cases when Low protein dog food should be fed to your pet. They are vomiting, nausea, ulcer, no appetite. Low protein dog food will help your pet 's feeling better. Low protein dog food can be used when your dog has serious kidney

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