Lucid Dreaming Persuasive Essay

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Have you ever been able to fly? Have you ever woken up from sleep not being able to move? Those questions would usually result in one answer: No, those are not possible. Yet these questions are possible due to lucid dreaming and sleep paralysis. The real question is, are these strange phenomenons dangerous? Sleep is a complicated, wild, and interesting time for our brain and body. Multiple phenomenons can occur during sleep, ones that could not be accomplished during the day. Two examples of these weird occurrences are lucid dreaming and sleep paralysis. People might have heard of these, but do they understand what lucid dreaming and sleep paralysis are? How to have these occur to you? The dangers they can cause? Undoubtedly, people want …show more content…

The time when you are awake versus when you are in a dream might become mixed. While dreaming, you might forget that you are in a dream and think that you are awake. Similarly, the dreamer might be awake and think that they are in a dream, which can cause harm to them. Thinking that “it is only a dream”, the person might try crazy things that one would usually attempt in a dream. Another problem lucid dreaming can cause is lack of sleep. This is because you might have trouble sleeping, especially if you do not want to lucid dream. You might keep waking up during the night, causing yourself to be …show more content…

If you want to try to have a lucid dream, try asking the previous question. If you are dreaming and you ask this, then you will realize that you are dreaming. The last way is to draw a symbol on the back of your hand. While awake, you will see the symbol and become familiar with it. When you see the symbol you will know that you are not asleep. However, if you are in a dream and see that the symbol is not on your hand, your mind will realize that you are

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