We hear it on the radio, in music videos, television, and film. It has become all too common for rappers to objectify women in their lyrics. Around the Late 1980’s and the early 90’s Hip hop departed from its socially conscious upbringings. In the 1990s audiences began to demand more violent and offensive lyrics and record executives were urging artists to write them. Most if not all believe that as commercial and “gangsta” rap emerged so did lyrics that glorified drugs, violence, and misogyny. A misogynist is someone who hates, dislikes or is prejudiced against women. Misogyny has become almost a requirement for “real” rappers. Their weapon lyrics and descriptions of violence against women to prove that they are authentic gangsters many …show more content…
A huge theme in the rapper Slug’s lyrics is his allegorical usage of women, especially in his earlier work. A character Slug has named “Lucy Ford” who is said to symbolize a variety of different entities, She is the most notable of these allegories. In earlier Atmosphere songs, it is known that Slug used Lucy to represent and write about ex-girlfriends. Lucy then became so present in his music Slug himself believed “her” to be a representation of the difference between himself and women. He now realizes that Lucy became a demonization (“Lucy Ford” being a play on words for Lucifer) of himself and his dependency on alcohol, drugs, sex and validation. “Most of this garbage I write that these people seem to like Is about you And how I let you infect my life... Fuck you, Lucy, for leaving me, Fuck you, Lucy, for not needing’ me I want to say fuck you because I still love you No, I’m not OK and I don’t know what to do” (Daley,2002, track 4) Here we can see slug going outside the social institution and acknowledging his dependency on women. Instead of mocking, degrading, or objectifying, He raps about his feelings in very introspective matter outside the realm of the masculine misogynistic Hip