
Lucy In A Room With A View

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In the novel A Room With A View by E.M. Forster, the theme of transformation is very obvious for Lucy Honeychurch. This theme is extremely important within the book because Lucy is beginning to gain more independence as a woman. She becomes much more self-aware as the book goes on, which also plays into femininity and personal growth.
These two places represent two different people within Lucy. Italy is the place of passion, where romantic and passionate love affairs occur. Italy also represents her growing up, learning what the world is really like, with her passionate love affair with the eccentric Emmerson son, and the strange and harsh murder. Italy becomes a place of harsh reality for Lucy, who in the beginning was quiet and kept her feisty thoughts to herself. After only days in Italy, she feels disconnected and out of place in the area. …show more content…

Cecil doesn’t mean to be funny, yet he is. Cecil also isn’t the greatest of gentlemen, but he has proposed to Lucy twice and been rejected, as well as getting left in the end. On page 14, a little of E.M. Forster’s humor shines through, with him saying “-two he-babies and a she-baby.” This tone helps create a more human aspect of the characters. At the end of part one, George kisses Lucy and Charlotte sees them together. When part two starts, Lucy is in England, and has finally agreed to marry Cecil. However, George and Lucy end up meeting again, and Lucy elopes and calls off her engagement to

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