Ludwig Van Beethoven Research Papers

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Ludwig van Beethoven Ludwig van Beethoven is a very famous composer, that was born December 17, 1770. Sadly, he passed March 26, 1827. His family was originally from Brabant Belgium. His parents were, Louis van Beethoven, and Maria Magdalena Keverich. In Beethoven's’ childhood,he became very intrigued my music. His father, taught him day and night, how to play many instruments. Ludwig van Beethoven had four siblings. The first was, Ludwig Marie. Ludwig Marie died six days after he was born. In honor of his brother, when Ludwig van Beethoven was born, he was named after his brother. His second sibling was Anton Karl, who was born in April 1774. Just before Ludwigs’ sixth birthday, his third brother, Nikkolaus Johann was born in …show more content…

Even though Ludwig did not have hearing, because he was deaf, he still created outstanding pieces of music. It was said that Ludwig became deaf because of Otosclerosis. Otosclerosis is where there is growth of the bone in the inner ear. Most considered his music a bridge between classical and romantic music. He wrote around two hundred pieces of music. Around fifty were published. But most were unpublished. But above all, his most famous piece of work was Symphony No. 9. This symphony consists of the piece most people know of, Ode to Joy. Ode to Joy has appeared in many modern day places, such as Shrek, the movie, and it has also been heard shortened, and played in some churches. There have been many theories on how Ludwig van Beethoven had passed. Some have been alcohol poisoning, lead poisoning, syphilis, and hepatitis. The official cause of death was liver failure. In his later years of his life, Ludwig had been sick on and off. Near the end of his life, he had a particularly strong wave of sickness, and had to stay in bed. As his last health vanished, he and his friends knew that he would pass away soon. He had been horrified about the effects of his illness, he that he actually requested that doctors did an autopsy on him to figure out what happened, to make sure that this sickness would not be given to anybody else. Once he died, the doctors performed an autopsy on him, and found that his liver was shrunken from years

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