Luke Should Be Allowed To Return To School Essay

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Luke should be allowed to return to NFA. New NFA transfer student by the name Luke is generally unproblematic. Although, one day he shows up to school wearing a tee shirt with the phrase “WHITE IS RIGHT! WHITE IS MIGHT!” And another day, comes to school with a Swastika tattooed onto the back of his neck. His actions lead to Luke getting into a fight with two other students, and ultimately, a ten day suspension. The Board of Education will decide whether or not Luke is allowed to return to NFA at all. This brings up the question of should Luke not be allowed to return, or is this a violation of his right of free speech and freedom of expression. Luke’s actions violate policies in The NFA Student Handbook, and his actions also will clearly make …show more content…

A public school should be an environment where anyone in attendance should feel safe and comfortable. In source 1, The NFA Zero Tolerance policy states “The goal in establishing NFA’s Zero Tolerance policy is to provide a safe and orderly campus for all of our students, faculty, and staff.” Source 1 later states that students will receive a 10-day out-of-school- suspension, and possibly result in expulsion for any of the following reasons: Possession of weapon(s), possession of drugs/alcohol, extortion, hate crimes, and assault. Luke’s shirt and tattoo is clearly showing prejudice against minorities and jews, and should be seen as a hate crime. The shirt also goes against NFA’s dress code which can be seen in source 1. The fight that Luke got into with the two other students is assault, which means Luke violated two of the bullet points on the Zero Tolerance policy, which I believe makes his expulsion …show more content…

Showing up to school with horribly offensive writing and imagery is not okay for a public environment. It makes other students feel uncomfortable, distracted, and unsafe. In source 3, Dylan Klebold, and Eric Harris conducted a mass shooting in Columbine High School while also using racist and anti semitic remarks and imagery prior and during the shooting. This gives a valid reason for concern and fear to those at NFA who witnessed Luke’s actions. In source 3, Tammy Theus, a mother of a victim in the shooting, sees Swastikas carved into the school and claims “It’s like they are laughing in our faces.” Source 3 also shows the Columbine High School principal stating that slurs and harassment in this manner is grounds for suspension. People are clearly affected by these harmful words and symbols, and they should not be allowed to be used in a public school. In source 4, this idea is only further emphasized. Students at Greenwich High School managed to figure out a way to spell out the N-word into the yearbook. At the end of source 4 it shows the reactions of fellow students feeling shame, embarrassment, anger, and sadness from the use of these types of words. I think that this justifies the reactions that NFA students and faculty are having to Luke’s