Lust Definition Essay

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Lust. When people hear that word they normally think of the word in sexual terms. Thats true, but they fail to realize that its not just sexual desire that falls under lust. That lack of realization is partly the churches fault. But I am here today to expand on your views of “lust”. Lust is not merely a strong sexual desire, no. That’s too simple; it would be easy for us to control that. Lust is to have a yearning or excessive craving, similar to gluttony but we will come back to that. People have asked me, “So if lust is to have a yearning or excessive craving, wouldn’t that make my desire for wanting to be the best servant to God a sin?” My answer to that question is, no. That is not a sin because you are yearning to be the best you can be. It would be a sin to strongly crave the cupcake on the table next to you. It would be a sin to yearn for that car you saw yesterday. Also, one we all know, it is a sin to desire that really attractive girl in aisle 13. Normally pastors or bishops would leave it …show more content…

It is a sin because you are strongly desiring something that will give you neither strength nor spiritual strength, you merely want the cupcake because its a sweet and its delicious. You don’t need it. Same goes for the car. You do not need the car. Yes, it would be nice to have, but you dont need it. You must have self control. When you don’t have the self control to have the ability to control your desires and let them bug you and distract you from your daily work, thats when it becomes a sin. Having the self control to focus your desires to either a goal to work towards or move the thought to the back of your mind so you can do your work properly with no distraction is how lust should be dealt with. The consequinces of not controling yourself can lead to another deadly sin, gluttony. You let lust, your uncontroled desire lead to the uncontrolled indulgence in it, whether it be sex, money, food, alchol, etc. Have self