Lusus Naturae Character Analysis

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We all have a favorite book that we love to read and we always find out what type of traits our favorite character has. Whether they are evil, adventurous, or insane. In the short Lusus Naturae by Margaret Atwood, the narrator is a little girl who becomes ill and her family fakes her death. She goes around scaring people and she eventually gets caught and the town goes after her. The narrator tries to help her family in different situations instead of herself, and because of that she is lonely, selfless, and curious.

The narrator in this story is very lonely and she keep to herself because she is locked up in her room. "The cat kept me company. He was the only living creature who wanted to be close to me"(Atwood 226). She was always in the room in her room during the day, but she go out and explores the woods …show more content…

Since she is ill and the family think that she is not any help to them , she says : "It was decided that I should die" (Atwood 226). She feels that she is in the way and that she should die so her sister could have her way. When she is diagnosed with her disease, her sister feels that she would never get married because of it. The narrator never asks for anything but to be by herself ,so she lets her sister get the attention that she needs, because she is getting married. "That way I would stand in the way of my sister, I would not room over her like a fate" (Atwood 226). Her grandmother agreed with her as well, saying that it’s better for one to be gone so both will not have to suffer. The narrator also lets her mother move in with her sister after someone offered to buy their farm she volunteers, "Do it, I told her. I'll vacate my room" (Atwood 227). She felt that it was time for her to be on her own for once, and she chose to stay in their old house. She would go to the woods at night and explore, because she knew that nobody would be there and she wouldn’t be in the