Lutheran Hour Crisis Communication Plan

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Currently, Lutheran Hour Ministries does not have an active crisis communication plan. The solution to this problem is to develop and implement a crisis communication plan that the organization can utilize during crisis situations. Regardless of the type of crisis situation LHM should be prepared to communicate effectively to all of its stakeholders and be equipped to preare a statement on the situation in a timely manner (Hope 2014). It is recommened that Lutheran Hour Ministries implements the below proposed crisis communication plan. Crisis Communication Plan for Lutheran Hour Ministries Assess the Situation Once an event occurs, the team lead (Communications Manager) will consult with the President & CEO and/or VPSA to determine if …show more content…

• When and where did it happen? • Who was involved? • How is LHM connected to the event? • What audiences are aware (or likely to become aware) of the event? • How much damage has resulted? • What level of on-the-ground presence does LHM have adjacent to where the event occurred? • In accordance with our organizational mission, what should LHM consider as an actual response? • How does this affect our operations? How does LHM’s current and potential budget affect our response? Utilize answers to plot event on the External Event Communication Level chart (Appendix 2). *Based on answers to assessment questions, recruit directors and other related staff from ministry divisions to be involved in response team. Determine Staff Assignments & Timeline for Response Crisis Response Team will identify and assign appropriate staff to direct/support communication and logistical response to event. Assigned teams can include: • Communication Team: related to event & ongoing response (external & internal) • Physical Response Team: coordination of logistics for LHM and partners and suggested …show more content…

Messaging templates presented to Crisis Response Team for review and approval. Drafts of communications for the various key audiences should be prepared as soon as possible so that only editing and updating numbers are required. Select and develop message map regarding the response to the crisis (Appendix 5). The message map organizes the web of ideas into the organization’s key message(s) which drives all subpoints. Crisis Response Team will determine which messages will be sent through the following channels and frequency of communications: • Information in Shepherd’s Staff with information regarding LHM’s response and instructions to direct all questions and comments to Corporate Communications • Facebook/Twitter • E-blast to all e-mail subscribers on our database • Articles/banners in subscription emails • Replacement of scheduled Daily Devotions content with special

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