Deceit In Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing

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Shakespeare 's Much Ado About Deceit Lying, it seems to be a common phenomenon in human’s daily lives. In a recent study made by the University of Massachusetts, it found that 60% of adults can not have a ten-minute conversation without lying at least once. The most common lies that are told in the present day include “I like your hair today” or “I am leaving in 5 minutes”. In William Shakespeare’s play Much Ado About Nothing, a common theme followed is deceit. Much Ado About Nothing takes place in the late 1500s and follows the story of soldiers going to Leonato 's home in Messina. Some of the soldiers end up falling in love with the women at Messina and all hell breaks loose due to the deceit caused by some of the characters. Most of the lies in the play are more major than the lies that current humans tell on a day to day basis. Although that does not mean that they are not still committed for the same reasons. People in the play and in real life often lie to commit an evil act, to help in their/others love life, or to conceal one’s own feelings. The most noticeable theme in Shakespeare 's play Much Ado About Nothing is deceit and is caused for the purpose of evil, love, and to conceal one’s feelings, which are also reasons as to why …show more content…

Shakespeare 's play Much Ado About Nothing demonstrates that deceiving someone for the purpose of evil always leads to failure and deceiving someone for the purpose of love mostly leads to success. In the end, deceit is not always the best thing to do, even for the purpose of love, it is always best to tell the truth as unnecessary drama will not have to occur. Remember what the bible told Moses, "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour” (Exodus 20:16, English Standard