Lyndon B Johnson Dbq Essay

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Have you ever heard of the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Do you know the purpose? Did you even know Lyndon B. Johnson? Lyndon Johnson was born in 1908 on a farm near Stonewall in the Hill Country of Central Texas. Lyndon was smart guy and had tons of energy because while in college he took a job as a teacher at the age of 20. In 1931 Johnson took his enthusiasm to Washington D.C where he worked as a congressional aide, in 1937 he won a Texas seat in the U.S. House Of Representatives which he held the position for 11 years. In 1948, Texans elected Johnson to the first of two six-year terms in the U.S. Senate. In 1960 Johnson lost the Democratic party's nomination of John F. Kennedy. Three years later, Kennedy was assassinated November 22, 1963, with this tragic twist put Johnson up to get what he wanted which was the President position. According to Document A, it discusses that Lyndon Baines Johnson's first job after college was being a teacher at an elementary school in Cotulla, Texas. This document shows that he wanted to help out those in need because he understood they were poor and nobody liked them. …show more content…

According to (Document B) JFK in August 1963 “27%” of people said the bill was “about right”. Then by February 1964 JFK had “39%” of the people. as soon as LBJ became president in a few months he got “57%” of the peoples votes (Document B), not only did he get more than half the nation to agree with this bill he was also able to pass on JFK's legacy. In Document C it shows how he needed to get so many electoral votes to win the election again. This can be seen as politics, but not in this case because he is making the sacrifice with many states to be able to fight for his cause. He eventually would end up getting all the votes he needed at the end and was able to achieve his goal to end

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