MCDSS Mission Statement

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Introduction The Monterey County Department of Social Services (MCDSS) has a great impact on serving older adults in the Monterey County. The MCDSS has a variety of services in the county including the cities of Salinas, King City and Seaside. The MCDSS mission statement is very clear and precise in what they value and how they will help others value themselves. They have one goal and one goal only, to help serve the client. Just by searching their website, one can see they offer many different services to help meet their potential/current clients’ needs.
Financial Information When looking for MCDSS 990s nothing came up with the provided link (GuideStar). When using Google to do a different search nothing was found either. It also seems …show more content…

There is a bunch of different services that MCDSS provides and or links their clients with. The age range seems to be endless but their are some other agencies that have an age requirement. For the Senior Job Bank it is for ages 50 and older. Another agency is the Health Project Center/Del Mar Caregiver Resource Center that case management services for low income seniors that are 65 or older. By definition to the law a person 18 to 64 who has a mental or physical disability is considered dependent upon another person for their care and to be considered an elder one must be 65 or older. For the MCDSS as a whole they will help any adult and connect them to the correct services they are in need …show more content…

This program is a non-medical home care program that aids low-income seniors, adults and children with disabilities. This service pays for someone to go out to the client’s home and help with “chores.” There is also the Area Agency on Aging (AAA) that helps agencies plan, develop, and coordinate services for older adults 60 years of age or older. The AAA gets about 2 million dollars in grants and gives those funds to local non-profit agencies. The AAA funds more than a handful of services including; outreach, medals, legal services, family caregiver support and many more. The MCDSS has a couple more services which include linking their client up with, including the Military and Veterans Affairs

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