MMR Essay On Health And Social Care Advantages And Disadvantages

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MMR- Firstly, there were many concerns due to the headlines about the Mumps, Measles and Rubella vaccine (MMR) which created an MMR Debate which was due to a doctor that found a link between children with autism and children who have had the MMR vaccine which suggested that if the child has the vaccine, there would be a high possibility that the child could develop autism. There were many concerns with the health of the children and there was an upsurge in the amount of children who did not have the vaccine as many parents would have constant worries on whether they should allow their child to have the MMR vaccine which lead to many children not having the MMR vaccine done. Most vaccines have a risk of side effects however, the risk of going through life without the vaccine is even greater. Measles, mumps and rubella are all serious diseases and can be spread through the air easily. …show more content…

Many parents also thought that it was not that likely for their child to get one of the diseases and the vaccine was just a precaution needed to prevent them from getting one of the diseases but that was not the case as and of the diseases could be cause by the child and also children have weaker immune systems which is why it is necessary for the child to have the vaccine

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