Macbeth Act 3 Turning Point Essay

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Act 3 is known as the turning point for Macbeth within the play because we can see the plot unfolding just as the witches’ prophecy predicted from the beginning. In Act 3, Banquo has noticed a change in Macbeth; he begins to suspect him of treachery. When Macbeth becomes aware of his suspicion, he orders the murder of Banquo and Fleance, Banquo’s son. Banquo is successfully murdered, though Fleance escapes; this worries Macbeth because he knows it is not Banquo who is a threat to him but Fleance. When we refer back to the Witches' prophecy from the beginning of the play, they state that Macbeth is capable of becoming king, while Banquo is not, but he will become a father of kings to come. Macbeth knew his own prophecy had come true, so he was

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