Macbeth And Grendel Research Paper

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While Shakespeare’s Macbeth and Beowulf’s Grendel differ in motivation, characteristics, and method, they both share a common theme of murder. Macbeth is started off being visited by two witches, who predict that Macbeth will eventually take over the Thane of Cawdor, and become King, as he is already known as the Thane of Glamis. The witches refer to Macbeth as these titles (1.3.47-50), and this only sparks Macbeth’s curiosity and wild journey, and thus, begins the process of becoming King. Macbeth feels a sense of pressure from his wife, Lady Macbeth, and he sees signs prophesying his eventual murder of the King and his potential new role. Macbeth is a powerful, Scottish general who happens to be easily tempted and lead. When Macbeth comes …show more content…

He questions the witches about their knowledge on why he would become the Thane of Cawdor, as he still believes the current Thane is alive, but the witches vanish into thin air (1.3.70-78). Macbeth is told by Ross that he will be the next Thane of Cawdor, and he then realizes that this was one of the witches’ predictions. Macbeth informs Lady Macbeth of the new title, and Lady Macbeth begins planning his route to take the crown. He is very reluctant to kill the king at first, but Lady Macbeth convinces him that they will succeed by getting the chamberlains to become drunk, and Macbeth will kill Duncan with their knives (1.7.64-76). Macbeth feels a pressure from his wife, and to the three witches who predicted his future reign. When Macbeth hears a bell ring, that is the sign from Lady Macbeth announcing that the guards are asleep (2.1.61). He tells his wife that the deed is done, with his blood covered hands, and that he has stabbed King Duncan. Macbeth shows his nervousness, and Lady Macbeth calms him down (2.2.15). According to Ross, the new king will be Macbeth and he will become sovereign (2.4.30).
Grendel, from Beowulf, had a bloody feud with the Danes that could not be settled with just any truce. He did not seek land or gold, or any settlement (89-93). Grendel contains a feeling of loneliness, and appears knowledgeable of what love and hate is. The