Macbeth: He's Gone Mad !

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He's Gone Mad!

Linnea joy
Ms Anderson
Mar 23, 2023 From being a loyal, good man to a murderous seiko. Has Macbeth truly gone

mad!? Yes, yes he has. Macbeth was once considered to be a war hero. He was

respected and had no intention of gaining power. However over time Macbeth was

manipulated into believing that power was more important than the subjects he once

protected. How this came to be is a wondrous story all starting with his wife's desire for

power and the poison called manipulation resulting in endless bloodshed causing the

man to go insane. The amounts of quilt, desire for power, greed, jealousy and paranoia

ate him alive until there was nothing left but a hollow shell of a man.

Macbeth's mental state …show more content…

Macbeth-“It's the bloody business which informs thus

to mine eyes.” pg 32, Act two, scene on. The quilt was causing Macbeth to lose his grip

of reality. Whether or not Macbeth decided to actually kill the king or not, the quilt would

follow him to his grave. Macbeth knows what he has done is a sin and will be punished

for it eventually. He becomes so scared and paranoid he starts hearing voices -“Sleep

no more! Macbeth does murder sleep,…” pg 35, Act two, scene one.

He's gone out of control. Macbeth has become incredibly paranoid after

murdering the king. Worried that someone would take the crown from him he

murders his best friend due to a prophecy the witches told him. Immediately after

receiving the news from the murderers about Banquo's death, Macbeth starts

hallucinating his ghost. This causes Macbeth to lose all sense of reality and is

convinced the ghost is real and out to get him. Macbeth- “Avaunt! And quit my sight! Let

the earth hide thee!” pg 69, Act three, scene four

Macbeth has completely lost it at this point. He's murdered innocent children,

women and men all because he's paranoid of every little possible threat. After …show more content…

Macbeth- “ she should

have died hereafter: there would have been a time for such a word.” And proceeds to

ramble on about life and death. “ tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow, creeps in this

petty pass from day to day to the last syllable of recorded time; and all our yesterdays

have lighted fools the way to dusty death.” Macbeth's guilt gets to him ones again

saying even though he protected her from his sins she still died. He couldn't save his

wife and has gone so mad he believes it's just another death added to the list. Macbeth

still decides he wants to fight to the death even after he finds out the prophecies aren't

what he believed them to mean..

Macbeth caused his own demise. He allowed himself to be manipulated and

started uncontrollably killing. Every little thing Macbeth did would make his quilt grow.

He did this to himself; he let himself dive so deep into madness of guilt and greed he

lost his mind. He was aware of this yet continued to do so over and over repeatedly until

he was beheaded. Macbeth's greed became so big that he'd rather die than give up the

crown. Hence the fact he murdered so many people. Makebeth had completely let go

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