
Macbeth Movie Essay

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The live-action adaptation of Shakespeare's Macbeth demonstrates many examples of how people in the film are empowered and disempowered. The first is, when Macbeth becomes the king of Scotland after the former king was murdered, empowering him. This idea is shown when Macbeth holds a dinner at Castle Inverness where all of Macbeth's friends attend. Macbeth seats himself at the head of the hall in front of all his subjects expressing how he feels powerful and dominant within this moment of the film. The use of construction is used within the film to portray this point through the director's uses of decision-making and paths that Macbeth makes. Causing viewers to believe that Macbeth is being empowered within this moment. A point within the film …show more content…

The people of Scotland get deceived by Macbeth and are suppressed into thinking that the decisions he makes are right and just. Macbeth essentially makes the people of Scotland believe what he wants them to believe. Repressing their society is similar to the way dictators suppress society in dystopian movies. Within the film, Lady Macbeth is empowered when she convinces Macbeth to commit the deed. Allowing for Lady Macbeth to become the mastermind behind the murder of King Duncan. Within the film, Lady Macbeth used seduction to suggest to Macbeth to murder Duncan so he could become king and rule over all of Scotland. Lady Macbeth becomes the mastermind of the crime without actually having to commit the murder. She demonstrates how she can manipulate Macbeth into doing exactly what she wants him to do. Altogether, showing one of the ways that Lady Macbeth is empowered in the …show more content…

Finally, a way that empowerment is displayed throughout the film when Ross tells Macduff that Macbeth murdered his wife and children. After Macduff gains the truth he begins to cry. But, Ross convinces him to not cry because men don’t cry and to channel that sadness into anger toward Macbeth. Macduff begins to get riled up and gains the idea that the only way to feel empowered is if he kills Macbeth. This is done when symbolic creeds are used within this scene and the scenes leading up to Macduff killing Macbeth through the use of language, fears demonstrated, and actions portrayed. The audience is convinced that by empowering Macduff they are playing a role in saving the people of Scotland and freeing them of Macbeth’s control. Overall, the empowerment and disempowerment within this film ultimately do appeal to the market’s media. By giving people an emotional, fearful, phycological, action-packed movie. Leaving the audience wondering what would have become of Scotland had Macbeth not been

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