Macbeth Rhetorical Questions

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Macbeth is a heroic warrior who gained two titles, Thane of Glamis and Thane of Cawdor, from the point of view he received at the battle against Norway. But Macbeth can be a self-doubting character who also has kindness. Another character is Lady Macbeth, who is the wife of Macbeth and is more of a dominant character who rejects feminine roles and feels little to no remorse over her mistress's.But she went insane as a result of her guilt. Lady Macbeth and Macbeth, as they both seem to have ambitions and are willing to do anything to get the crown, decide to kill King Duncan, who is king of Scotland. Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth that the plan to kill Duncan is that he must be sleeping in their home and that he has to leave the daggers with the …show more content…

Lady Macbeth employs rhetorical questions as one of the means by which Macbeth comes to the decision to kill King Duncan. "Art thou in desire?" it asks. Wouldst thou have that which thou esteem'st as a life ornament, and live a coward in thine own estimation? letting "I dare not'' wait upon "I would." (1.7.39–44) This demonstrates that when Macbeth began to turn his back in order to cancel the plans to kill King Duncan, Lady Macbeth objected because she knew her husband was a kind person and she didn't like the idea that Macbeth wanted to cancel the plans and not be crowned King. In order for Macbeth to continue the plan, she stated that if Macbeth wants to live in this world as a coward and leave this wonderful opportunity, Of course, the manipulation forced Macbeth to reconsider whether he was a coward or not. Another example is the use of figurative language by Lady Macbeth in order for Macbeth to make the decision to kill King Duncan. Memory, the brain's warder, "shall be fume," and reason "A limbeck only," when in swinish sleep, "their drenched natures

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