Macbeth Vs Banquo Analysis

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As a result of Banquo’s thought process, spectators notice yet another contrasting quality between the characters of Macbeth and Banquo. While Macbeth ultimately surrenders to the determination to become King, Banquo’s doubt does not prompt the desire to satisfy his prophecy. Banquo remains loyal to the King, owing his own rise to power to him as he says, “There if I grow, / The harvest is your own.” (I. iv. 33-34) Unlike Macbeth, Banquo remains sincere in his gratitude towards the king, and his prophesized success does not cause this to falter. Macbeth evidently enjoys his rise to power, and cannot receive enough, whereas Banquo acknowledges that his power will only be to serve Duncan. As mentioned before, Macbeth submits to the temptation, …show more content…

Banquo continues to be a foil of Macbeth, as even in his suspicious thoughts, his values remain important to him. His suspicion towards Macbeth and how he gains kingship does not weaken his loyalty to his friend. Macbeth’s solution is to murder those he suspects, but Banquo simply voices his opinion, allowing it to be known. He says, “Thou hast it now, king, Cawdor, Glamis, all, /… and I fear / Thou play’dst most foully for’t,” (III. i. 1-3). At this point, despite the fact that Banquo knows Macbeth had a part in the murder of Duncan, his loyalty remains with Macbeth as he accepts the invitation to the formal banquet graciously. Banquo truly displays his wit as he is the only character that comprehends Macbeth’s foul actions. In addition, Banquo does not have a reason to be paranoid, as he did not attempt to murder the king in order to complete the prophecy foretelling that his offspring would be royalty. Shakespeare shows the contrast between Macbeth and Banquo once the audience is aware of who each character suspects. Macbeth’s belief in the witches contradicts Banquo’s suspicion towards the sisters. He says, “The instruments of darkness tell us truths, / Win us with honest trifles, to betray's / In deepest consequence.” (I.iii.123-125). Banquo suspects the very nature of the witches, and warns Macbeth of their prophecies.