Machiavelli: The Existence Of Selfish Individualism

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The contemporary world has been referred to by many names. The modern age is considered to be the age of information or the age of technology. Though these different names do not define the Zeitgeist of today’s world, they all point to main cultural functions that can be observed and seen. The spirit of the times of today’s world is the idea of selfish individualism, or ego. Machiavelli states that human nature is cruel and self-interested. The existence of self-centeredness in human nature supports the modern Zeitgeist.

Globally, people always have had a strong sense of self-importance. Every individual can choose which facts to read and pick which perspectives to believe in. As human nature includes self-centeredness, as Machiavelli …show more content…

To Machiavelli, there is no morality in politics, only political virtue (Prudence). Prudence means knowing when to exhibit virtue or vice. As long as the Prince understands the role of Prudence, they will be successful. However, Machiavelli made an oversight. He also categorized humanity into two categories. Those who want power, and those who are suspicious of the ones who want power. No matter how expertly a prince may utilize prudence, the people will always be suspicious of the Prince. Suspicious people will never be fully obedient. The Prince never has full control and power over their people. No matter the method, as long as a person who wants power or is in power is known to the people, the people’s suspicion will prevent total and absolute …show more content…

In order to build the best puppet, the Prince must use the Zeitgeist to create a deity, something that is loved by its followers and feared by the disbelievers. In the past, the deity created from the Zeitgeist would be God, but in this modern world, the puppet is one made from the majority opinions of morality. The Prince will give their laws and rules under the disguise of morality. It will appear as if the laws arouse from the majority’s opinions themselves. The laws do not have to actually comply with majority opinion, but they only have to appear as it came from the majority’s opinion. This is because the opinions of the majority will silence any opposition, as the egotistical majority quickly silences minority opinions to protect their own egos, and both the minority will be afraid speak up in fear for their own egos. Lastly, the Prince will be hidden, away from the suspicion of the people, since the people can only see and hear the puppet. The Prince has no suspicion, therefore the people cannot overthrow them. The laws and rules come from the Prince, but it is said by the puppet, which is a reflection of of Zeitgeist. From this, the Prince can remain in constant power and devise everlasting laws, laws that will be integrated into the Zeitgeist