Machiavelli's The Prince

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What is Machiavelli's overview of human nature in general and why is it so? Machiavelli has a very dark view of human nature and the reason being is because he lost his public service position when the Medicis came back to power and never regained said position. Why did Machiavelli write The Prince? Machiavelli dedicated The Prince to the Medici's [Lorenzo de' Medici to be exact] to obtain the good graces of the Medici's Why does Machiavelli believe that having ministers is better than having nobles/barons? Machiavelli believes that it is better to have ministers than nobles because any and all ministers powers belong to the prince but when it comes to nobles/barons they acan be easily swayed and would make victory for the enemies easy by opening …show more content…

Can a prince who ascends to the throne stay in power of he came to power through nefarious activities? Machiavelli writes that it would not be possible for someone who ascended to the throne through nefarious activities as it would cause his people to distrust him. A prince is respected when he is either a ___________ ____________ or ____________ _____________ and why? True Friend or Downright Enemy. The reason being because an ally/conquerer would not like to have doubtful allies Even though the cities of Germany are free and only obey the emperor when it fits their needs no one thinks of attacking them because: The Germans are fortified so that assault would be too tedius and difficult as well as sufficent artilery and food. Why are principalities liable to danger when they pass from civil to absolute government(s)? Because the princes of the aforementioned government(s) rule personally or through magistrates Why is not in a princes best interst to disarm subjects? If a prince arms his subjects their arms, in a way, become his. Disarming his subjects will also cause the subjects to hate the prince as it shows that the prince does not trust his