Discuss The Problem of Evil, Religious Language and Sociological thoughts of Religion. The problem of evil challenges the existence of god because theist people that god is omnibenevolent, omnipotent and omniscient but yet there is still evil in the world. Mackie uses the inconsistent triangle and says god cannot be them three things but he can still be two. For example god could be evil, omnipotent and omniscient but he cannot be omnibenevolent as well because if he loved us he wouldn’t let the evil into the world. Mackie said’ the proposition that a good and omnipotent things exist and that evil exists are incompatible’. Mackie is trying to prove that god isn’t real because if he was then he could stop evil if he wanted to (Mackie, 1982). …show more content…
He said that everything god made was good because god was good and therefore he didn’t create evil. He believed that we are all living in sin because of the Adam and Eve when they ate the fruit off the tree and until we die we are living in sin for what they did because it is believed we are formed from the loins of Adam. This sin is called the ‘original sin’. Augustine believed that there wasn’t evil in the world there was a lower good and this was known as the privation of good. He said that god was good and also just meaning because we commit sins we should be punished for committing them and it would only we fair that we had justice for them who commit sins. He also believed at god sent Jesus to pay off some of our sins and so that we will lead a good life and will follow Jesus up to heaven on the day of judgement (lewis, …show more content…
One critic is Philips he said that evil is seen as a punishment and this proved that god is unjust. The Irenaean theodicy is different to the Augustinian theodicy because it doesn’t rely on literature and the theodicy irenaeus presents is modern and fits with evolution (lewis, 1957). How the Augustinian theodicy provides proof from the bible and removes the blame for evil from god and blame humans. The Augustinian theodicy believes that god is just meaning that you’re punished for the things you do wrong and that for justice to be served evil must be in the world however the irenaeus theodicy says that god loves everyone and that means even if someone who has committed a lot sins will be treated the same as someone who has done nothing wrong on the day of judgement (lewis, 1957). The Irenaean theodicy lets people have free will and make choices even bad ones so that we can learn to become better and not make the same mistakes again. But the Augustinian theodicy says that punishment must fit the crime meaning that sometimes people who do wrong get away with it because the mistake/crime wasn’t too