Mackubin Thomas Owens Political Principles And Pertinence Of American Foreign Policy

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Mackubin Thomas Owens article, Dean of Academic Affairs at the Institute for World article, Politics Principles and Pertinence of American Foreign Policy, issues an direct indictment on the Obama Administration, and their foreign policy implantation. Owens just doesn’t criticize the foreign policy, but offers up a solution in returning back to American realism. He goes further to explain the different between classical and American realism, and the four principles that are behind the difference. Lastly Owens ends the article with the bold statement that without American realism the world could spiral into complete turmoil without it. The Obama Administration has drastically dropped the ball when it comes to foreign policy. Rather the failure comes from incompetence or indifference, it is clear that no true approach of how to apply limited resources or clear objective on how to achieve their goals. Acting under the ideology of liberal internationalist approach, which was supposed to end wars, has seemed to end created more conflicts than it has ended. Allies such as Israel have been betrayed, and the rest of the world has had to deal with the backlash cause by the betrayal. The nation’s enemies and advisories have gain power that not only put the security of the U.S. at risk, but inches the world closer to another world war. “The actors in the international political system (IPS) tend towards cooperation rather than competition, unlike the alternative of prudent American realism (26).” …show more content…

“Prudent American realism, as opposed to a more traditional realism, recognizes that

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