Macy's Capital Asset Pricing Model

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Beta. Beta constitutes a tool to measure the volatility or the regular risk, of a security or a portfolio in parallel to the whole market. The use of Beta focus in the capital asset pricing model, which determines the return of an asset based on the expected market returns. Another name to Beta is the beta coefficient. Beta index on January 2016 was 0.79% while in 2015 was 1.01%. A low beta stock will protect a company in a general downturn. ROE Return on Equity. Return on equity (ROE) is the result of net income returned as a percentage of shareholders equity. It measures the profitability of a corporation at the moment of revealing how much profit a company makes with invest money of the shareholders. Return on equity is the most important measure for prospective investors looking at any company. On January 2016, Macy’s had a return on equity of 22.66%; while in 2015 was 26.42% (FORM 10-K, 2016). ROA Return on Assets. Return on Assets is a rate of return (after tax) obtained from all assets the company receives. It shows the earnings of a company regarding all of the resources it had at its disposal at a particular period. There are two options to calculate the return on assets; the first option divides the net income by the average assets for the period. A second option multiplies the net profit margin by the asset turnover. On …show more content…

A margin is the ratio of probability that divides the net income between revenues or the net profits between sales. Profitability is vital for investors, but it is also relevant to all stakeholders. In the same manner, the ability of a company to stay profitable impacts employees, customers, and the whole community. In Macy’s, the net profit margin in 2016 was 3.96%, and in 2015 was 5.43%. Here, there is an evident decrease of the percentage from one year to another, which does not represent a healthy symptom for the company, since a higher profit margin accounts for a more profitable business (FORM 10-K,

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