Maggie Cobbett's Not Wanted '

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The story "Not Wanted" written by Maggie Cobbett is about a 19 year old Turkish man named Osman. He immigrated to England after he met an English woman, named Liz, who was on a holiday in Turkey and stayed on the hotel Osman worked. During her stay there, Osman and Liz had an affair and he fell in love with her. When Liz left Turkey, Osman declared his love and his desire to visit her in Leeds, England. Having received nothing from Liz after she went back to England, Osman decided to immigrate illegally to the England to find Liz. He spent all his money to reach Leeds and discover that Liz never wanted more than an affair in their relationship. Osman refused after Liz offered to let him stay the night and then drive him back to the railway station. Alone in the city of Leeds, Osman was approached by a poor man who invited him to home and have a free meal and a place to sleep. Osman refused and had to spend a couple of nights on the …show more content…

An unnamed author narrates the story and this is shown by only mentioning names of the characters in the story. The themes of “Not Wanted” are Love, Pride, immigration and Cultural difficulties. An example of how the theme love appears in the story is the fact that Liz and Osman tell each other that they love each other. “Osman told her that he loved her”, and “Liz said that she loved him too”. Also the fact the Osman immigrants all the way to England from Turkey to seek love is very romantic and underlines the theme of love. Osman has a lot of pride, which is also why Pride is one of the themes I have chosen. An example of this is: “Osman´s pride would neither allow him to plead nor to stay a moment longer in a house where he was so obviously not wanted” and also “Even if he could get back to Iskenderun the way he had come, how could he return a failure and endure the humiliation of asking Mr Kasapoglu for his job