Majapahit System And Its Impact On American Culture And Society

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In the fast growing spices and intensive rice cultivation, the Majapahit Empire competed for extensive maritime trade. The location where the strong points of Java geographic centre between the myriads of islands, providing access to the economy and control products archipelago. In addition, trade relations have been connected to the countries beyond. International trade brings the cultural context, gives the farmers to maintain the income of the rich elite cult and devotion for the Buddha and Hindu gods. Javanese were the main ethnicity, but they did have Indian merchants and Chinese merchants stayed at some of their ports as Port Bubat. The people of Majapahit are very reserved, calm, and polite. In the 18th century has been found Crown of Majapahit, made up of …show more content…

Majapahit port cities attracted foreign merchants from far and wide, large numbers of Chinese traders and Muslim merchants from the west were settling. Those who have taken a semi-permanent residence in Java and do some type of enterprise other than foreign trade imposed a special tax. Civilizations throughout Java affected by the merchants and religious culture of India, Europe, China, and Persia. Ma Huan was a Muslim voyager and translator who accompanied Admiral Zheng He on three of his seven expeditions. He also described in Yingyai Shenglan (The Overall Survey of the Ocean's Shores), copper coins of successive dynasties in the Central Country were universally used – mentioned current Chinese cash as legal tender elsewhere. The government issued currency, copper in China under the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC - 8 AD). The first time prohibited the export of copper in 780, but despite frequent prohibitions which are usually ignored. The people of the Majapahit dynasty do not have a bed or bench to sit or sleep in; and they do not have to eat a spoon and chopsticks. They were eating using hands to take up food and put it in the