
Major Changes In The Middle Ages Essay

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Back during the Middle Ages, many changes were made in order to drive out the people during the Medieval time period. Between the years of 1000 and 1300 farming became much more advanced. Some improvements consisted of a heavier plow and the decision to use horsepower instead of depending on oxen. Another change that took place in the Middle Ages, was the English’s addition of the longbow and cannons. This weapons were very advanced and lead them to victory over France in the Hundred Years’ War. An additional change in the Dark Ages, was the Black Death. The Black Death killed millions throughout Europe causing people to turn their backs on God and become less religious. One more change in the Middle Ages were the Crusades. The Crusades changed the opinion on the Church and brought more unity …show more content…

One last change was people moving from big cities to small towns, causing The Great Schism. The Great Schism was the division or conflict in the Roman Catholic Church. Out of all the different changes, I believe that the Black Plague was the most important change that moved society out of Medieval Times because it affected the foundation of society and led to the beginning of the Renaissance.
Although there were many changes in the Middle Ages that helped the people get out of the Medieval times, the Black Plague was the most significant change. The Plague heavily impacted the Religion. “Feeling, essentially, that God had turned his back on them, the people reacted to the end of the Black Death by turning their backs on him”(Edmonds 1). All of the people back then believed that the Plague was God’s punishment for immoral ways. They had all thought that God had turned his back on them. Therefore, the people started to focus on having fun and or partying before they die instead of having their main focus be religion. The Black Death also influenced the social aspect of the society. “People abandoned their friends and family, fled cities, and shut

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