In this scenario, there are several characters that play major roles. The first is Jacob, who is the main character, and plays the biggest role in this scenario. Jacob is viewed as different and as a misfit; he doubts his own abilities and he believes that his peers and others can’t help him. He is a very troubled kid, and in the end resorts to gun violence to try and solve his problems, and get his revenge. Jacobs’ parents play a major role in this scenario. They know about Jacob’s condition and how he didn’t want to attend school. Despite his resistance they force him to continue his education, and refuse to listen to his pleas. All of the peers that Jacob communicate with play major roles in this scenario. Many of his peers know about Jacobs’ …show more content…
School shootings have been a problem in the high school and college institutions for years now, and are getting exponentially worse. The school shooting situations in our culture have led to debates over gun control and many other determinants. Even though school shootings have occurred in our society for years, only recently have big strides been made for awareness of the problem. Many of these shootings occur because of someone deemed as an “outcast” or “misfit” isn’t given the proper treatment, or listened to. Many of their peers, professors, and parents can identify the signs that something isn’t right, but choose to ignore them. The educational environment makes the problem worse by adding the additional stress of getting good grades, joining clubs, making friends, and finding future …show more content…
My plan would prepare counselors, professors, and advisors, through various seminars and workshops, to use the seven Cs to identify which of their students and advisees need help, and in which ways they would need help. There will also be several seminars open counselors, professors, advisors, students, and parents. These seminars and workshops would have a brief history of school shootings, and what could’ve been done to prevent them. They will describe the subtle signs that many school shooters show, and how to identify these signs. After this they will participant in group work, including situation analysis. This will allow the participants to put themselves in a situation and use their knowledge to prevent the worst outcome. Allowing the participants to understand why these things happen and how they can be prevented will raise awareness, which is the best way to stop school shootings. I would use social media to convey the dates and times along with how helpful attending these seminars are. I will also use social media for virtual seminars. This will allow us to educate those who aren’t able to attend the seminar, and those who are interested in making a change. It is all about raising awareness so public advertisement and a social media campaign would be very beneficially, especially if we could have a celebrity endorse our