Persepolis is a graphic novel written by Marjane Satrapi in 2000, it is an unusual memoir and a biography of her childhood during the islamic revolution. Majane tells her story from the point of view of a child growing with the revolution. Her family was very open-minded and differed from the average families at that time. This essay seeks to analyze the graphic memoir and it most important motifs and themes. It will describe the key parts of the graphic novel and explore the ideals behind it.
The book brings in its early pages a brief historical introduction to the policy and Iran 's religion, areas that are closely linked; very profitable because the information conflicts in the Middle East normally is misled. Having a historical support helps in the better understanding in the country 's culture. The plot of the graphic novel passes in a region that has different values and habit, that even though it may not affect someone who is familiar with a different culture the discussed problems are universal.
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With the Islamic revolution the Satrapi family started to lose friends, who mysteriously disappeared. Neighbors and relatives flee as they can (the country closes its borders in 1981). Another example of Marji´s young point of view retreated in Persepolis is that, when one of her closest male friend is moving out of Iran Marji feels sad and lonely, because she realized she liked him.
Intelligent and outgoing, Marjane can even despite the prohibitions, and discover the punk culture, walking with denim jacket and shoes in the street, Marji even led to a questioning of a patrol of pro-revolution ladies. But when the uncle is senselessly executed and as bombs fall around Tehran in the war with Iraq, the fear begins to take shape. And Marjane 's boldness becomes a concern for parents who end up making the difficult decision to send her to school in