Short Essay On Media Power

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In the modern day and age and the Media’s ability to change the perception of how people view things, it is clear that the media has become the most powerful entity on earth with the ability to ultimately control the minds of the masses. I therefore fully agree to a large extent with Malcolm X’s stance on the power of the media. In this Essay I will explore the different forms of media and their ability to change one's mind. The media today has immense power of the people as people today now get all news from the media in different forms such as TV, cellphones, tablets and computers. The power that the media has therefore allows them to control what is covered and what they see as important. A contributing factor to this is that Journalists …show more content…

First we must understand what a democracy is. A democracy is a form of government that has been put in power through a fair and unbiased voting system. One of the main focuses of a democracy is that everyone should be treated and respected equally. Everyone has a voice to express their opinion, their thoughts and their feelings. These thoughts, feelings and opinions however should not jeopardize the rights of other citizens. The freedom of expression allows people to write and speak about injustice, illegal activities, corruption and many more topics without interference from the government. It gives the chance for the minority to be heard by the majority, the poor to speak to the rich and so on. In South Africa, the rights of the people is protected in chapter two of the constitution known as the bill of rights. Section 16 focuses on freedom of expression and the gives a detailed explanation of the do’s and don'ts. This opens up the world and allows the media to feed the population information. The information is generally broadcasted on Television, news papers, billboard and of course social media, which has ultimately become the leading form of how people receive their news. A study conducted revealed that two thirds of Americans receive their news from social media. An example of the impact that Social media has is back in 2013 a women by the name