Man Polanski Macbeth Soliloquy Analysis

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William Shakespeare places blame on many different characters in an array of various scenarios throughout his iconic play, Macbeth. Man Polanski directs a filmed version of the play which highlights key features with, close-ups, pans and birds-eye views. Shakespeare uses characterisation to portray the lead role of Macbeth, and justifies his actions through soliloquy. His anger is narrated which dominoes onto the following scene whether it be murder or a crime being committed. Continuing on from his thoughts the action that followed would show to be of his own doing no matter how reinforced it was from supporting characters.

In an opening scene of the play Macbeth displays great strength and brutality when facing the enemy. King Duncan applauds Macbeth for his efforts and in doing so places unwanted pressure onto Macbeth. Throughout the play until the …show more content…

Witches philosophy on life affects the play greatly. “Fair is foul, and foul is fair.” is spoken in unison by the witches and describes the way the play can be interpreted. Macbeth’s downfall can be thought of as foul but also fair because justice had been served.

Sanity can be a two-sided argument with Macbeth. The focused role of Macbeth expresses thoughts to himself throughout and can be portrayed as a loss of sanity. When a banquet is thrown for Macbeth a ghost of Duncan appears and startles the murderer. Also creating a memorable scene based on loud ambiance sounds in the film accompanied by an insane Macbeth, screaming, projecting his thoughts.

The film and written texts of Macbeth both demonstrate ways of which enhances how Macbeth commits to his own downfall. The film’s emphasis on a close up shot on Macbeth really captures how he regrets certain decisions made throughout. The play captures moments when Macbeth is insanely narrating past events of which later contribute to his

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