Mandatory School Uniforms Stifles Individuality In Students?

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“School uniforms stifles individuality in students,” stated Courtenay Edelhart, author for EBSCOhost (“Back to School”). School’s should not require school uniforms because students aren’t able to express themselves, they can still dress appropriatly with just dress codes, and students have certain rights such as freedom of speech. Many students all across the world can’t show people how they feel through clothing because of uniforms. Student’s required to wear school uniforms aren’t able to express themselves like they should be able to. Many people don’t see the point of them because it doesn’t matter what you wear at school, you will still be getting the same amount of information. “You can still achieve an appropriate learning environment without everyone looking the same”(“Back to School”). All school uniforms do is take away a students choice of what to wear. …show more content…

With dress codes, students will able to choose what they want to wear but it will still be school appropriate. “Many public schools that do not exercise a school uniform policy do maintain formal dress-code policies for students”(School Uniforms Debate”). If school uniforms are abolished and dress codes are instituted, students will be much happier at school."I could just wear my sleeping clothes all day if I wanted to”(“Back to School”). They will also be less distracted at school. “Proponents of uniforms laud them as a way to even the economic playing field and avoid distractions from learning”(“Back to School”). When there are no school uniforms, students are more productive at

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