
Manipulation In Macbeth

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Shakespeare’s Macbeth has many an article asking what it’s main theme is, pride? Power? Ambition? No, none of these are the main theme, because there is one action that is pushing all these to happen. The main theme of Macbeth is manipulation, and this is obvious because the most debated themes never would have shown themselves had the witches never manipulated Macbeth into doing all these things with their prophecies. Lady Macbeth is also a prominent figure in Macbeth who ultimately manipulates him into killing Duncan. The importance of this essay is to finally solve the argument, “what is the main theme of Macbeth?” Shakespeare obviously confused the masses with his play because everyone thinks the theme is what it is because of the events in the play, but no one looks at what makes these events happen, manipulation by many of the plays prominent characters. Usually people will argue power as a main theme, this is because they see a lot of struggle for power in Macbeth, but typically people don't look at the reasons for this, and this is why they’re wrong about power being a main theme. If you look up …show more content…

Not very far into the play the witches meet macbeth and give him a prophecy reading, “All hail Macbeth! Hail to thee, thane of Glamis/… All hail Macbeth! Hail to thee, thane of Cawdor/… All hail Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter! (1.3.49-51).” This is the best quote from the whole of Macbeth to show how manipulative and important the witches are to the play. The witches hail macbeth as Glamis, which he is, then Cawdor, who he’ll soon be, and last, but not least, they hail him as king. All of these hails then come true as lady Macbeth, and he himself committ to the actions leading them to be king and queen. The witches hail Macbeth as three things, two of which he’ll be before long. Thus manipulating the course of his and the whole of Scotland’s

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