
Manipulation In Macbeth Essay

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The tragic endings of Macbeth are formed by multiple tiny rationales in the past, and in the process of Macbeth to the ending, ambition, betrayal, duplicity, and guilt are the main themes Shakespeare wants to explore in the book. Macbeth follows the corruption of Macbeth and explores the idea of intentionally misleading, and being manipulated by personal desire. These ideas are described by the character Macbeth, different dramatic language techniques and supernatural elements. The story of Macbeth is a classic tragedy play, meaning it needs a tragic hero as the protagonist. As a tragic hero, he must have a flaw to foreshadow his ending, in the play, the witches' mislead Macbeth has successfully manipulated Macbeth’s fate. In Act 1 Scene 3, …show more content…

In Macbeth, the presence of Lady Macbeth detailed the idea of being controlled by personal desire. In Act 1 Scene 5, after Lady Macbeth has read her husband’s letter and knows about the prophecies, afterwards she tells the demons to “unsex me here”. The use of metaphor compares the wish to stripped feminine qualities with the process of being unsexed, which shows the characteristic of “Vaulting ambition” and the desires of Lady Macbeth. Then, Lady Macbeth is dominated by her desire and ambition. Similarly, Macbeth is also manipulated by hallucinations given by the witches. However, Lady Macbeth has an inordinate desire for power. As a result, in the decision-making of committing the regicide, Lady Macbeth prevails and becomes the dominant side, also Lady Macbeth plays a fast catalyst to Macbeth in the crime. After committing the regicide, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth lose their passion to the authorities, and they can’t sleep at night. In addition, the use of sleep as a motif in ‘Macbeth’ symbolises the innocence and rest of the mind of sleep. Therefore, Macbeth could never sleep neither night nor day, and continuously experiences his guilt and emotional toll as a result of his

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