Manipulation In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein may be one of the most popular novels of the 1800’s. In her novel, it can be seen that it was, in fact, meant to be a horror story. One of the elements she uses to convey the horror of her story in through the use of manipulation of the creature. Manipulation and the use of manipulation is a great detail that most glance over when looking in a horror story. Manipulation is a common tactic used by many people who want to get another person to commit an act they want them to do. This can turn the reader from seeing a very kind and sympathetic character into a not so great and conniving monster. Manipulation is observed in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, with Victor's creation. The creature uses manipulation to sway Victor’s …show more content…

Shelley’s Frankenstein is distinct in that its first person viewpoint is different than many other fiction novels of the time. The creature not only includes Felix’s first person ideas but also shows an intimate view of how him and the creature interacted (Clark 257). This shows one the intimacy with these two characters and how the reader can sympathise with the creature because he is gentle and only actually wants friendship with someone. Also one can see that Victor uses different levels in explaining other characters. He doesn’t include anything of his creations individuality, only of his physical appearance. Victor mentions how he had to make the creature large so it didn’t slow his work. Then when the creature comes to life, Victor doesn’t explain how actually large it was (Clark 257). One can then see that Victor only uses physical characteristic in describing the creature. Victor then continues to run out of the room and is seen that he is a coward. When he runs one sympathises with the creature because it is similar to a newborn child. Also protagonism occurs with many characters with comparing and emphasizing them. It’s not just from one perspective. One can see three different perspectives and their internal thoughts. This helps one sympathise with them because each character has a different view and how they describe other characters (Clark 246). The way in which someone gets information from the narrator is really important in understanding and comprehending different characters. The monster uses sympathy as a means of manipulation because at first we sympathise with the creature but later shifts when we hear the creature's views. One can also contrast the creatures views with Waltons. They are very similar in that Walton is isolated, like the creature, but Walton has companions on the ship as well as his sister to write to. We then sympathise with the creature more than Walton even though they are