Mao's Last Dancers Analysis

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Risk taking is an essential aspect of reaching one’s desires and dreams, especially when it comes to crossing boundaries. These risks, physical or metaphorical, will require the individual to step out of their comfort zone and summon the courage to test the extend of their limits, in order to grow and embrace the changes during the process. While these risks are worthy one must accept the inevitability of losing a part of their identity. Examples of risk taking include; stepping into the unknown, searching for freedom, and breaking traditions. All of these decisions include the possibility of successes and failures as explored in both the texts Mao’s last dancer and VillaWood Mums. Stepping into the unknown is an example of crossing boundaries that comes with a risk. The main risk of this decision is the fear and anxiety associated with what is lurking behind the shadows on an unknown path. The desire for achieving dreams sometimes, requires us to consider stumbling into the darkness of the unknown. Within Mao’s Last Dancer, Li risks his own happiness by stepping into a path that was so new and unfamiliar. Despite the fact that Li didn’t know what to expect and missing his family, stepping into the unknown had a positive outcome at the end. By taking this risk Li was able to grow and develop as an individual through embracing the changes and opportunities he …show more content…

With this risk comes the possibility of looking in the wrong places and being denied the freedom you seek. This risk is increased in circumstances when the choice is made by a corrupt political environment. The yearning for freedom occurs multiple times within the text Mao’s Last Dancer, Li seeks freedom from the political restriction both physically and mentally. Li was restricted to ideas and beliefs he had since growing up, he was not allowed to have an identity of his own, under the restriction of Mao’s Communist