Margaret Garner Research Paper

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Imagine working all day and all night getting mistreated. Margaret Garner was a slave who worked on a plantation farm in Kentucky with her husband and her three children. Garner, along with her family, fled to the Ohio River after years of mistreatment. She was also put on trial because she ran away from her master and murdered her own daughter so she wouldn't return to slavery. Margaret influenced other slaves to fight for their freedom, no matter what it takes. Margaret Garner was born on the plantation of John Pollard in Boone County, Kentucky. Margaret Garner, along with her family, worked on this plantation farm. Every day she worked from sun-up to sun-down, and she began to feel like her life was being stolen from her. According to black past, “Margaret Garner was born into slavery on June 4, 1834 on Maplewood plantation in Boone County, Kentucky.” Margaret Garner lived her life as a slave. She hated slavery more than the average person. Margaret thought it was wrong. She was a brave strong woman, but even she couldn’t handle it. She had to face some hard decisions. (Casey) …show more content…

Seventeen people were reported to have been in their party. In the coldest winter in 60 years, the Ohio River had frozen. Margaret's uncle lent his house to her to stay the night. When sunup came they decided they must cross. Soon she was caught by some slave owners and she didn't know what to do. So she used a butcher's knife to kill her youngest daughter and attempted to kill her other children. According to black past for killing her own daughter, rather than allowing her to return to slavery. Margaret Garner didn’t want her children to return to slavery. For her actions the entire family were taken to court for a

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