Margery Kempte Critical Analysis

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In the beginning of “Margery Kempe”, a spiritual autobiography, Kempe uses imagery to portray her devotion to God as well as the process of moving away from her wifely duties. The nature of her relationship with Christ is all consuming. Kempe has been trying to persuade her husband to let her leave after the death of her first child. After unsuccessful tries, Kempe finally has convinced her husband to let her leave him after having fourteen children. “And make my body free to God, so that you never make any claim on me requesting any conjugal debt after this day as long as you live— and shall eat and drink on Fridays at your bidding.” (NA 431) Once Kempe leaves she begins her spiritual journey and embarks on many pilgrimages. Kempe sees Jesus …show more content…

Throughout the novel, Kempe depicts Jesus as handsome and stunning. She is often times taken aback by his beauty however, she grows accustom to it. Kempe then dedicates her life to Jesus. “And then the Father took her by the hand in her soul, before the Son and Holy Ghost, and the Mother of Jesus , and all the twelve apostles, and St. Katherine and St. Margaret and many other saints and holy virgins, with a great multitude of angels, saying to her soul, “i take you, Kempe, for my wedded wife.”(NA 431) Kempe, while viewed as an unhinged woman through the lens of society, just has a very strong desire for Jesus. This desire then leads her to become a devout Christian. She leaves behind her husband and fourteen children to transform herself. She begs her husband to release her as if she never truly wanted to be with him. The quotes that are used are good examples to help the reader understand how “Margery Kempe” is as a spiritual autobiography as well as the strong bond between her and