Marijuana Legalization Essay

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If all drugs were legalized, then there would be disastrous consequences, but the legalization of marijuana would be useful. Most drugs have negative effects on people and are known for destroying lives. But, marijuana does not show the negative effects that other illegal drugs have. Cigarettes and other tobacco are legal products known for causing a variety of illness, such as multiple different types of cancer. Alcohol also causes known issues, for instance liver cancer is caused by excessive drinking over a long period of time. Both tobacco and alcohol are still legal, yet there are few benefits from using either product, yet marijuana is still considered a dangerous substance and it has not caused one death from a medical standpoint. …show more content…

Many of the positives with the drug involve money saving and gaining money. Money could be saved by the government with the costs of courts prosecuting being eliminated, this is estimated to be billions of dollars. This revenue could go toward schools, the national debt, or the enforcement of laws with drugs that are illegal. There would be money gained through tax revenue. Colorado is an example of where the marijuana industry has generated money, sixty-three million dollars for instance. The legalization would also allow police officers more time and energy as half of drug arrests are factored by marijuana. This would free up workers that are incarcerated who are forced to miss work because of court proceedings. In addition, with legalization patients seeking pain relief would have easier access if it was legal for recreation use. Though underage patients would still have to be prescribed marijuana for their pain, it would help those that are old enough and it would destroy the stigma about using marijuana. There are many reasons why the legalization of marijuana would be positive and would help society. Another benefit of illegalizing marijuana, is that they would be less money in organized crime and drug dealers. Since those services would no longer be necessary with legalization violence due to dealers would go down and people would buy from government sanctioned institutes. To summarize, there would be many positives if marijuana was

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