Marketing Manager Interview Memo

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FirstTeam Corporation Memo To: John Doe, Regional Marketing Manager; Chris Tan, Communications Director From: Stephanie Eng, HR Manager cc: Melissa Johns, VP of Operations Date: 10/15/2016 Re: Marketing Manager Interview As you know, we have discussed Robin Devin Gutierrez for the position of Marketing Manager and decided to call this candidate in for an interview. The President of FirstTeam Corporation, Fred Sales, informed me that he wants John and Chris to conduct the interview of Robin instead of Melissa and I. Interviewing can be difficult and there are issues and topics that everyone should be aware of. I have created a guide to use when you are preparing and interviewing the candidate. We do not want to make assumptions or put ourselves …show more content…

If it does not, it needs to be edited and corrected. • Identify qualities or skills needed to succeed in the Marketing Manager position. You want to fully understand the role and its requirements. • These KSA’s for the Marketing Manager position should then be put in a checklist for you to refer to and use during the interview. • Do your research on the candidate and be prepared with questions that will probe their accomplishments and leadership in the positions they’ve held. • Note any areas on their resume that need clarification, such job titles and responsibilities, gaps in work history or hobbies that may reveal aspects of the candidate's personality that can have a bearing on job performance. It may be that you ask about Robins blogging to gain more insight and details into that subject. • Create a structure for the interview with time limits, questions to ask, and other criteria that will keep you focused and on task. Interview Process • Inform the candidate of the entire interview process. The when, where, and who of the interview process should be explained to them and the timeline to hear back about the …show more content…

• Keep in mind Title VII, Age Discrimination, American Disabilities Act and FEHA when conducting the interview. Questions: The good, the bad, and the unlawful • Keep all questions in the interview job related. We want to be respectful of the candidate’s privacy and not elicit unwanted information from them. • Questions that are asked in the interview need to be able to be fact-finding, about creative thinking, problem solving or behavior. These types of questions are going to aid you in figuring out if Robin is the best fit for the Marketing Manager position. • We want to find out if this candidate has Spanish capabilities since the position largely encompasses creating a Spanish-language marketing campaign. You can ask a question like: What languages do you read, speak and write fluently? • Questions that gauge the candidate’s experiences and skills would also be beneficial. Some questions could be: How large was your team at your last employer? Can you describe a time when you used strategy to develop and create a

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